A Short Story About Me
I’m half Iraqi and half Palestinian, born in Iraq on February 26, 1994 —which makes me a Pisces! My childhood began in Iraq, where I spent the first nine years of my life. But in 2003, everything changed. The war in Iraq destroyed the world I knew, forcing my family and me to leave everything behind and move to Sweden.
Starting Over in Sweden
Starting over in a new country was anything but easy. I had to adapt to a different lifestyle, learn a new language, and figure out all the unfamiliar games and rules kids in Sweden played. But beyond those challenges, there was another layer: I always felt like I was caught between two worlds. I was both Arab and Swedish, yet I didn’t fully feel like either. I’ve never been content with being just one thing at a time. It’s like standing in front of a restaurant menu, wanting to combine all the dishes into one and probably annoying the staff in the process. That’s just me—a little bit of everything, never fully one thing.
Exploring the Working World
As the years went by, I grew up and finished secondary school. I dove headfirst into the working world, trying my hand at a bit of everything. I started with a three-year stint at Volvo Cars as a parts assembler. Then I worked with elderly and sick people (carer), which gave me a new perspective on compassion and resilience. After that, I spent a year forklifting in a warehouse before deciding to take a leap and move to London. There, I worked as a technical support and first-line support agent for a year. It was a big change, but after some time, I decided to return to Sweden to take advantage of the free education available to Swedish citizens.
The Turning Point: A Life-Changing Accident
But before all of that moving around, something happened that changed everything: one evening after work at Volvo Cars, I was in a car accident. At first, it seemed minor. I felt fine. But about a year later, the effects started to creep in. I began experiencing a stiff neck, constant headaches, and back pain. Over time, my mobility decreased, and the pain spread to my legs and even down to my toes. It was exhausting and disheartening, and it marked the beginning of a long and frustrating journey to find relief.
Searching for Relief
I went to countless doctors, both in London and Sweden. I tried everything—chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncture, cupping, massage machines, you name it. I spent hours browsing Google and YouTube for stretches, exercises, and remedies. I even dived into spirituality, hoping to find some mental peace to complement the physical healing I was searching for. All the while, I was juggling school and trying to keep up with life’s demands. Things that most people find simple felt overwhelming to me because I was dealing with so many challenges at once.
The Missing Piece: Lifestyle Choices
At the time, the pain was more annoying than unbearable, but it was still a constant battle. Looking back, I realize I was missing a critical piece of the puzzle: my lifestyle choices. Despite everything I was doing to heal, I was also smoking, drinking energy drinks, partying moderately, and eating out more than I should have. I was a young guy trying to live a normal life, ignoring the fact that my habits were working against my body’s ability to recover. I can’t help but wonder: if I had paid more attention to what I was putting into my body, could I have prevented things from getting worse? Maybe a combination of healthier choices and all the treatments I tried could have changed my trajectory.
Moving Forward: Lessons Learned
I’ve thought a lot about those years and, yes, I’ve regretted some of the choices I made. But regret doesn’t change the past. What matters is what we do moving forward. Today, I’m in a better place. I’ve learned to be fair to my body—to give it what it needs and deserves—and that, in turn, has put my mind in a much healthier state. This journey of struggle, reflection, and growth is what led me to create this blog.
Why I Started This Blog
I want to share my experiences, not just to tell my story, but to help others who might be feeling lost or overwhelmed by life’s challenges. Whether it’s physical pain, mental struggles, or simply trying to figure out where you fit in the world, I hope my journey can inspire and guide you. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that healing—whether it’s of the body, mind, or spirit—is never just about one thing. It’s about balance, self-awareness, and making choices that honour the person you want to become. You’re stronger than you think, and every small step forward matters. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about progress.
My Roots: Half Iraqi, Half Palestinian